Sunday, April 12, 2009


Leap and spin, you powers of heaven!
Burst into explosive songs of joy,
all you companies of angels.
Let the throne of God be surrounded
with the praises of all that has life.
Earth glories in her Maker.
Now mountain and valley glow in splendor;
the sea on the shore whispers the praises of God.
Rivers stream through thirsty soil,
bringing news of gladness.
the Redeemer is risen!
His glory fills the earth.
The trees thunder their praises
and loudly clap their hands.
Sound a trumpet through all the earth.
The Morning Star is alive!
Risen in splendor, He is among us.
The darkness is driven back.
We, his people, join the dance of all creation.

Adapted from "An Easter Vigil" by the Northumbria Community.
Photo by Monica Lubitz, CSJ. Copyright 2009. Used with permission.

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