Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Foolery for April

In honor of today's deadline for the annual Pioneer Press "Peeps Diorama" contest, here's "The Wreck of the Edmund Peepsgerald" from yesteryear. See several more fine works in the venerable tradition of peep-based art here. The rules for entry are: it needs to be a diorama, and it needs to include peeps.

For the unintiated, peeps are a sickenly sweet, sticky, marshmallow-like candy that comes in several shapes and colors not found in nature. While they are available all year, they are most abundant just before Easter, at least in this part of the world. Some years ago I lived with someone who always took care to purchase her peeps a few weeks before Easter so they could be dried to her preferred consistency in time for the holiday.
Winners of the Peeps Diorama Contest get a toothbrush.

photo by Anita Ritenour